Legal representation

Legal representation in civil and criminal proceedings

What does this mean in real life? Have you ever had similar questions? Let us help you out next time.

  • The parking company is suing me for parking ticket surcharges and I do not know how to defend myself. I need a lawyer who will represent me at court!

  • I have been robbed and I have been summoned to the hearing as the victim. I am not aware of my procedural rights and obligations, a lawyers’ presence would be reassuring at the hearing.

  • Our marriage has broken down and I would like to get a divorce. We do not have a dispute between us, but it would be nice to have a lawyer to be present and to prepare me for what to expect at the hearing.

We will be your partners in negotiating, enforcing and litigating claims in and out of court, resolving outstanding issues and offering legal advice.

Contact us now!

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